
Social Media For Activists, Organizers & Everyone (Dec 9)

This class is open to everyone who wants to get more from social media, but is especially geared toward those who want to use it to build a better world. Social media alone can’t create social justice, but it’s a powerful tool for activists and community organizers to reach people and amplify their demands. Additionally,… Continue reading Social Media For Activists, Organizers & Everyone (Dec 9)


Conscious Relationships December: Boundaries and Expectations (Dec 3)

Setting (& maintaining) clear boundaries and expectations is a vital part of building conscious, healthy relationships. As usual, our culture and upbringing often provide bad examples and make it more challenging to figure out what we need and stand up for ourselves. “Conscious” relationships are relationships which are deliberately formed among equals, rather than simply… Continue reading Conscious Relationships December: Boundaries and Expectations (Dec 3)

Classes · Raising Resisters

Raising Resisters: Radical Childrearing & Education Discussion (Nov 16)

The OS!WN? Collective, Abrome, the Crustacean Zine Library, and Austin YAWP! would like to invite you to October’s Raising Resisters event on Thursday, November 16th, from 6:30-8:30pm. Last month we talked about monkeywrenching the system! How can we leverage, manipulate, or monkeywrench the public school system to promote progressive or self-directed education? As we continue… Continue reading Raising Resisters: Radical Childrearing & Education Discussion (Nov 16)


Conscious Relationships November: Trust & Caring For Each Other (Nov 12)

Conscious Relationships is back for a fifth installment. This month, we’ll be discussing ways we build (or lose) trust in each other, and what it means to care for one another in healthy (or unhealthy) ways. “Conscious” relationships are relationships which are deliberately formed among equals, rather than simply following society’s default scripts. We strive… Continue reading Conscious Relationships November: Trust & Caring For Each Other (Nov 12)