“Doxing” is when an activist or other individual faces harassment after their personal information is released online. In this free class, we will offer some basic tips for protecting your identity online, and considering what you post and how, as well as a few tips for how to handle being doxed if it happens to you.
In addition, we will cover much of the same material as the previous Take Back Your Online Privacy class, including using Signal for encrypted online communications, choosing a VPN provider, and how to make your phone and computer more secure. We’ll also share some new information on the risks posed by Bluetooth.
This is a beginner-oriented/101 level computer security class. Bring your questions and your laptop and smartphone and we’ll have a little time at the end for some hands on help.
We strive to make all OS!WN? Collective events a space free of oppression, so please leave your hateful garbage at home. For more information on our rules & safer spaces policy, see our FAQ.
Class details
- What? A free workshop on online privacy and computer security.
- When? June 22 from 6-8 pm
- Where? Grassroots Leadership, 2301 Cesar Chavez St., Austin, TX 78702
- Why? To learn to protect yourself and your private information online, and to better resist surveillance.
- This class will take place in the building behind the main Grassroots Leadership house & parking lot. Additional street parking is available.
- This space has a wheelchair ramp, but many wheelchairs will not fit through the on-site bathroom’s door.
- Grassroots Leadership is close to multiple major bus lines on Austin’s East Side.
Below are some useful links for further learning, but you don’t need to read them before class: