Title: Social Media Quick Tips
By: Oh Shit! What Now? Collective member Kit O’Connell
Download here: OSWN-Social-Media-Quick-Tips.pdf
First published: August 14, 2017
Description: Leaderless movements thrive on social media and modern technology like smartphones. These quick tips from our Social Media 101 class help you get more from each of the big 3 major social networks — Facebook, Instagram and Twitter — and offer some basic ideas for becoming a citizen journalist to share breaking news and protests.
Printing tips: Print this document in Duplex mode (Long Edge) in Portrait mode.
Other valuable resources: Social Media 101 slides & links (updated August 2017 version)
OSWN Social Media Quick TipsTranscript:
Social Media Quick Tips
(From ohshitwhatnow.org kitoconnell.com)
Pick your networks
- Prioritize the best network(s) for you
- Post consistently and regularly
- Set aside time to maintain your account, interact with your followers & top accounts
- Movements & orgs should have a Facebook page (NOT personal profile)
- Facebook Groups are great for group organizing
- Facebook Events for public events driven by your movement
- Hyper-shareable memes are the best But not “too many words”
- Use Facebook native video
- Like & share your own stuff
- Don’t post on top of yourself — space it out!
- Enlist your friends
- Massive viral potential regardless of follower count
- Easy way to reach celebrities, brands, politicians?
- Create international solidarity & activist networks
- Reach out to famous & powerful accounts (politely)
- Use hashtags (responsibly)
- Tweet a lot
- RT yourself
- Have great images (with accessible captions)
- Study your analytics
- Tweet a lot
- Have a personality
- Image driven, young user base
- Pick your best photos
- Use filters sparingly
- Mostly use the Instagram square format
- Post sparingly or use Instagram albums (NEW)
- Use Photoshop Express or another phone-based editor
- Integrate with your Facebook page for analytics
- Apps: Layout, Instaweather, Boomerang, Vidstitch
You Are A Citizen Journalist
- Put justice & movements first
- If you see something unjust, broadcast something
- Get it out fast
- Be trustworthy; Don’t share stuff that hurts your movement
- Develop a personality and consistent style
- Create a place online for people to find you
- Learn to take good photos with your equipment (practice!)
- Secure your devices (encrypt, lock, shut off/wipe)
- Fundraising: Paypal, Fundrazr, Patreon???
- Equipment: Batteries, monopod, microphone, cords cords cords
Go Live
- Emergency livestreaming is OK, consistent livestreaming is better
- Keep your camera steady (monopod, stabilizer, selfie-stick?)
- Narrate what you see
- Respect people’s boundaries … unless they are fascists
- Cops will go after you first (then other journalists)
- Be extra careful about WHAT you broadcast to cops
- Facebook LIVE is king, but consider YouTube Live, Periscope, Twitter/Instagram live?
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