In September 2017, we taught our class on antifascism, “Punching Nazis,” for a second time, at the Houston Anarchist Bookfair.
This class was targeted for violence by an offshoot of Vanguard America, the nazi party which includes Heather Heyer’s murderer, but thanks to the quick work of the book fair security team, the nazis were unable to hurt anyone or disrupt the fair for more than a few minutes.
The following resources were used in the making of the class, or provide useful avenues for future reading.
- The Changing Face of Anti-Fascism — anti-fa in the age of Trump and the “alt-right” Nazi movement
- The Lost History of Antifa — the post-War roots of the modern antifascist movement
- Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer Got Punched—You Can Thank the Black Bloc — from mainstream liberal magazine The Nation, shows widespread support for Spencer punch!
- Smashed Windows, Social Media and State Surveillance — how to be a responsible citizen journalist without putting antifa & others at risk
- Texas: ‘Based Stickmen’ and Militias Continue to Take Bait from Alt-Right Trolls — an anarchist look at “fake antifa” in Texas
- Trolls Tricked Conservatives Into Holding A Massive Rally To Defend A Texas Monument — and profited from it, too
- What are the antifa doing after Harvey? — Relief work and mutual aid, of course
- What Is Black Bloc? Why Do Activists Wear Masks? — anonymity and shared identity
- Why we should listen to anarchists in the age of Trump — another relatively mainstream source advocating radical tactics
- Confronting Fascism: Discussion Documents For A Militant Movement by Don Hamerquist, J Sakai , and Xtn
- How Nonviolence Protects the State by Peter Gelderloos
- Militant Anti-Fascism: A Hundred Years of Resistance by M. Testa
- Reading List: A Time For Treason

- Central Texas Least Wanted — antifascism in Austin and around the Lone Star State
- How To Form An Affinity Group — keep your comrades close and safe
- Why take direct action against fascism? — “the concentration camps were full of people who weren’t political.”
- Beyond ‘Bash the Fash’: A Critical Discussion — It’s Going Down podcast looks at the future of antifascism
- Crimethinc Ex-Workers Podcast #11: Never Forgive and Never Forget — Anti-fascist discussion with One People’s Project and New York City Anarchist Black Cross (full transcript)
- Crimethinc Ex-Workers Podcast #12: Remembering Means Fighting — Anti-fascist history with Occupied London (full transcript)
- The Job of the Media is To Divorce Movements From Their Base — It’s Going Down’s podcast looks at the media attack on antifa
- Solecast 33 w/ Greek Antifa Participants – MC Sole interviews Greek autonomist antifascists
- Solecast 44 w/ Mic Crenshaw on The Anti-Racist Action Network & Radical Politics — Sole interviews the founder of Anti-Racist Action, a pioneer of US antifascism
- Unicorn Riot on Neo-Nazis Celebrating & Planning Violence at Unite the Right and “Soft Targets” — the Unicorn Riot media collective talks with It’s Going Down about nazi chat logs before, during and after Charlottesville
- Athens Anti-Fa Demolish Nazi Party Offices — direct action against nazi property
- Climactic scene at Texas A&M University — riot police forcibly remove antifa activists from the Texas A&M memorial student center in defense of Richard Spencer.
- The Fight Goes On — mini-documentary about French anti-fascists and the death of Clément Méric (turn on subtitles)
- How To Handle Fash In the Hood — a series of anti-fascist action videos curated by @AntifaDFW
- Loldiers of Odin Tampereella — Loldiers of Odin anti-fascist group uses clowning against Norse fascists (turn on subtitles)
- Richard Spencer – White Natonalist REMIXED! — one of our favorite Spencer punch videos
- What Is American Fascism & Who Are The Antifa? — an overview from the tv show “Act Out!”
Other Links
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