Title: “Central Texas’ Least Wanted”
By: Oh Shit! What Now? Collective & friends (see table of contents)
Download here: Central-Texas-Least-Wanted.pdf (Right-click, save link as …)
First published: July 1, 2017
Description: Created in response to a groundswell of activity by local neo-nazis, “Threeper” militias, white nationalists and other fascist groups, “Central Texas’ Least Wanted” aims to educate the Austin public about the dangers these people pose, particularly to marginalized groups like LGBTQIA+ individuals and people of color. Especially since the election of Pres. Donald Trump, Texas fascists are increasingly emboldened to act in public and frequently target community organizing and activist groups for threats and even violence. In addition to information about specific fascists known to be active in the Austin area, this zine includes a brief introduction to fascism and antifascism (antifa), a timeline of recent fascist activity, and some simple tips on forming affinity groups to respond to fascists in your neighborhood.
Table of contents:
- Who Are The Antifa and What Is American Fascism? (based on a script for Act Out!, copyright by Kit O’Connell & Eleanor Goldfield, released under a Creative Commons license)
- A Brief Timeline of Recent Fascist Activity in Austin, Texas (by OS!WN? Collective Member Kit O’Connell)
- Your Least Wanted (local fascist information originally compiled by Antifascist Austin)
- Fascist Symbols (various sources including Anti-Defamation League)
- How To Form Affinity Groups (OS!WN? Collective)
- Diversity Of Tactics (OS!WN? Collective)
Printing tips: Look for a “brochure” or “magazine” setting on your printer, or try this printer-friendly version with settings Duplex (Short Edge) and Landscape orientation.
Central Texas Least WantedAll original Oh Shit! What Now? materials are copyright free, except where otherwise noted, and can be freely reprinted, shared, and reused. If you’ve got feedback, email us.